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JW Hol-ee Roller Dog Toy Mini

by JW
Original price $5.05 - Original price $5.05
Original price
$5.05 - $5.05
Current price $5.05

The JW® Hol-ee Roller® is a fun, versatile puzzle dog toy that lets dogs play in multiple ways! Made from durable soft, stretchy natural rubber, the Hol-ee Roller features a unique open design that makes it easy to stuff a dog's favorite treats, kibble, other small toys, ice cubes, or whatever else you can think of to create mentally challenging puzzle experience for dogs. The open design also allows dogs to safely breathe through the toy for hours of play. As a dog works to remove treats of different shapes and sizes from the Hol-ee Roller they develop problem-solving skills and increase their mental abilities. Natural rubber is gentle on a dog's gums as they chew and teethe.
JW toys that they come in different colors and they are chosen randomly

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