This Is What You Should Know About Chaining Your Dog Outside
Have you seen chained dogs in your neighborhood or village - maybe even in your friends or relatives garden - and wondered if this is wrong or just 'the way things have always been'? Is it abuse or are there legit reasons to chain a dog on your property? Here are some common questions about chaining dogs that will hopefully help you make a better judgement and convince others to do the right thing.
Also chaining usually goes along with neglect:�The dogs necks can become sore and their collars can painfully grow into their skin. They are vulnerable to insect bites and parasites, and are at high risk of entanglement, strangulation, and harassment or attacks by other animals or people.�Chained dogs often experience irregular feedings, overturned water bowls, inadequate veterinary care and extreme temperatures: During the winter months these dogs often have no shelter from the cold and in summer no protection from the sun. Also they are forced to live, eat and sleep close to their urine and feces, can you imagine that?
Why do
Many people we came across who chain their dogs argued, that they need them to protect the property by keeping predators and burglars away. It is true, the easiest way to make a dog aggressive and territorial is to tie him. Other people mentioned that they 'tried' keeping the dog inside but that they either did potty inside or showed destructive behavior. Sometimes the dog is a repeat escapee and the owner has run out of ideas to safely confine the dog. Whatever the motivation, none of them are good enough to risk your dogs life or the lives of others. people chain dogs?Why does it do to a dog when you tie him outside?
Dogs are, like us, inherently very social beings who need interaction with humans and/or other animals. Intensive confinement or long-term restraint can severely damage their physical and psychological health. An otherwise friendly and docile dog, when kept continuously chained or intensively confined in any way, becomes neurotic, unhappy, anxious and often aggressive. Imagine the effect on yourself, it is not that different.
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